“Mullet” & “(Bird) Feeder”
by Barker Thompson
I got a mullet today
I like how it hangs out behind my ears
I like how it does
its own thing
The woman who cuts my hair has curls
that fade in and out
of different colors
and a child from
a previous marriage
She pays people
she can’t be to take her son to beaches and
waterparks hears
about the day’s
adventures as she
brushes anonymous
hairs off the back of her neck laughing she says hair gets everywhere
I let her style my new hair with gels and
waxes because
I like how they smell like the grimy parts
of flowers even if
I wash it all off as
soon as I get home
and I think that life is just that: sticky things and previous marriages like everyone’s always asking where you’re from and not where you’re going in the shower I run my hands from my cheekbones to the back of my neck
the hair gets thicker
and thicker
and thicker
(Bird) Feeder
On the bird feeder is a sparrow with an eye infection. It keeps rubbing its body hard against the plastic, staining
it yellow with a liquid that pools slowly at its eyelids. My eyelids are mechanical, closing shut once twice
as my mom reminds me that this bird we cannot save. On a family walk around the neighborhood a child
brings a guitar to play until one day they realize it is inappropriate to do so. Listening to the strums
for the last time, my eyelids are slippery. There’s a new internet trend where people try to predict what humans
would look like if we evolved from different animals. It’s that kind of science we can’t get enough of,
my favorite is the human-descended-from-owl. The eyes are large bowls and in order to blink, the eyelids
require more exertion to cross this newly vast distance. I think they would have to be curtains made of skin.
Outside, I’m waiting for the valley to be blue. All the clouds are chemtrails, that kind of cactus that grows flowers
right before it dies. Today the freeways looked like necklaces, tomorrow they’ll look ugly again. If I had owl
eyes I’d see the palm trees bend until they break. Crossing a vast distance, I feel my skin finding skin.