“Stingrays asleep”

By Dylan James

Storm-cloud delves like a faucet through my being.

Receptionist dances with flavors of seeing.

On certain nights, with our circuitry,

I swear I hear the world fall asleep.

Brand new promotion, I’m tired like my thermostat.

Wormholes and axes and scourges of men flaunter.

Pollution of life—family doesn’t give back sometimes.

Find a nest and try to feel alright.

I won’t be home for Thanksgiving this year.

I’m sorry, I’m not guilty, although I think I am.

Campaigns — seances — fiancés — matinees;

phone sucking porridge brain.

Bony fish, dead on beach,

so far out of reach with an intact eye

that glistens like diamonds inside the earth’s core

when the water wets all of the roots.

Ribs coughed up out of sand,

slimy fish-skin melts in heat,

creaking deceased like decrepit church floors

while the knight mounts his horse.

Rice in a spoon right by my mouth.

Head calm and floating through these lights and sounds.

I wonder what would be

if these walls weren’t here,

if the weight of the world

felt like a lion’s amount.

My coffin lint feels like a cloud.

I worked until the sun burnt out.

I kissed her and she moaned

with satisfaction.

My dog curls up on his side,

sleeping by my own two feet.

Thunder soothes from outside.

I turn off the lights.

“Our Newest fossil”

TVs in living rooms light up houses like jack-o-lanterns.

I used to ride my bicycle through this very chill.

Blackened night, headlights flash and countermine

the stillness of my youth.

Neighborly or neighborhood, place to be was never good.

It was just what we made it while growing up.

I remember the way he laughed aloud.

I remember when she walked to my house.

My two brothers are older now—married and definite.

Dad asks us to meet him for a movie at 10:00 pm.

Chasing something but I could never say what it was.

It was within, it was cloaking, it was here.

I reflect again as mom sends me another text:

global war, hand grenades, viruses.

Welcome to the rest of your life.

You have moved out, you’re your own man, does it feel good?

It’s alright, and it’s everything and more

and I admit that I can’t turn

my back on what has been.

Through the gauntlet—prosthetic limbs.

A language of silence—violins.

You’ll never be completed, as long as you live.

I know nothing

but I can try.


Dissecting rats, history, up in the sky there’s plenty of blue.

As if you ever knew—smithereens—a solid bit of telescope.

Reach for the sky, plant your roots.

Never ask or they’ll cut you.

Figure it out or configure this now:

we’re dying here my friend.

Haze day white—a circus act.

“Will you donate to our campaign?”

Cell-phone addict acting tough

until the real world

calls you out.

Coffin shake, feel the love.

The spine is burning, tip release.

Spread your burn to another soul

who’ll carry

you around.

Wallets so big yet it’s all been spent.

Heart so heavy and it feels like shit.

Mind so foggy but we see this clearly:

something isn’t right here.

Inside, outside—daily slaughter.

Stay indoors and drink your water.

Lemonade taste, peachy dreams.

Cops are surgeons in shopping carts.

We await your spawning.