“Emo Chick”

by Laurel Larrew

A teenage girl sondered through the park. Her name was Lindsay Johnson, but that name was boring. She called herself Violet Ivory Shadowsoul, because that name was way cooler. Usually, she never left her room, since her ghostly pale skin would get sunburnt. Plus, while she was inside she could partake in her favorite activity: getting mad at people on the internet. Today, though, the sun was completely covered with thick gray clouds that were almost as dark as Violet’s soul. The cool rain drops on Violet’s skin reminded her of the coldness of society. 

You see, dear reader, Violet was different. While other girls had blonde hair and listened to annoying pop music, Violet had ebony black hair and listened to heavy metal. She was a social outcast. As she gazed upon the dreary park, she imagined that she was a sad girl in an emo music video. She felt so lonely. She almost started crying from how lonely she was, but she didn’t. Cool girls never showed emotion. 

Violet stopped walking, shocked. An ugly piece of trash was blocking her path. Pollution? She thought, How horrific! Violet scowled down at the litter. It was a dented monster energy can. Violet stepped over the litter, trying to ignore its existence. She wouldn’t be caught dead picking up litter. See, cleaning up the park would be helpful to society, and Violet hated society with a passion. After all, how could she be expected to help society if society never helped her? Truly, Violet’s life was miserable. Sure, she was upper-middle class, white, and heterosexual. But she was a goth, the most marginalized minority in society. After a lovely walk in the rain, Violet started to head home. The sky was starting to clear up, and she didn’t want to be caught in the sunlight. Violet didn’t look both ways before crossing the street, since she hated authority figures telling her what to do. Then she got hit by a bus and died on impact.