bee endangerment

In 2017, bees were added to the endangered species list. In 2020, the U.S lost almost 50% of their managed bee populations. The number of bees has been decreasing at an alarming rate because of climate change,lack of biodiversity, pesticides, and many more man-made issues. This is a problem because bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem! Not only do they produce honey, but they pollinate 80% of all flowering plants, and also 130 types of fruits and vegetables. Without bees we wouldn’t have coffee, tomatoes, apples, cocoa, almonds or any nuts!

    But studies have shown that hope is not lost! There are many things that can restore the bee population, like banning deadly pesticides and preserving wild habitats. But Some things you can do to help directly are regenerative farming, buying honey locally, and eating organic food. Regenerative farming has been proven to restore the bee population! You can do this by planting wildflowers native to your area in your backyard. Some native Austin flowers are Bluebonnets, Firewheels, and Pink Evening Primroses. When bees have more variety in their flower choices, they are more likely to pollinate! It’s like a bee buffet! Consider planting flowers that will bloom all seasons so that they never get hungry. The flowers will also attract butterflies and other pollinators! 

Buying honey from beekeepers directly nurtures your local bee population, as well as giving you unfiltered, natural, mineral-filled honey! Which is great for eating, but also sore throats, colds, and minor cuts or wounds. A local Beekeeping company is Two Hives Honey. They make many varieties of honey as well as balms, syrups, and sprays. Organic food helps bees because it is grown without pesticides or other harmful chemicals that kill bees. By supporting the organic farming industry you are helping to restore the bee population! SFC has a farmer’s market every Saturday which has lots of organic produce. Also consider growing your own food if you can! 


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