“there is nothing but this”, “today at the grocery store” & “schrödinger, up yours!“

by Sav Franz


there is nothing but this,

crows mob squirrel 

off the edge of the phone line



traffic blows the 7-11 

big gulp down the hill 

into the drainage ditch 

       cold deer vomits stomach

            across faded bike lane 


11 year old girl missing

since october last year

that’s what the billboard says 

                      today, this is all 

                                   there is.

today at the grocery store

someone handed me a sunflower, just

because. now objectively, 

I know this 

is beautiful.

a Message almost anyone 

could parse. but still,


it’s one thing to see 

the sun, but it’s something 

more to feel


schrödinger, up yours!

smiling stupid with myself in public

breath/beat/breath, then 

sensing those Eyes staring

pinning me, roach under boot 

or am i just perceiving them 

perceiving me,

hearing what i don’t wanna hear?

perhaps an equally smiling face lays

behind my turned away gaze,

a yearning glance, lips bit pink 

or– maybe, 

no one is looking

                            at all!

…a nightmare penetrating a dream,

consummating something new.