“To an Embrace” , “A Ditty for a friend” & “ A Partition”

by Shamik Banerjee

“To an Embrace”

There is a lock to an inundation,

checked by a dam; its force is such

that it explodes with a strong emotion;

when opened by you, just by a 'touch'.

'Mongst archfoes, you're the conciliation;

the unhurt confidence of brotherhood;

for an orphan, the affiliation,

of parental certitude.

You are the awareness after a wrong;

sincerest apology's result.

Those split for ages, you are their song

of meet, and waves their hearts exult.

Atwixt lovers, you are the hold of warmness,

of joyful grief or sadful cheers;

and for each, the remembrance in darkness,

when the other leaves with tears.

“A Ditty for a Friend”

I know a friend but not her face,

I've known her for a year;

who finds in nature, her solace,

who makes a flower, dear.

The newly worked refrain she knows

and sings beneath the moon.

On pictures, her affection glows,

like Sun appears in June.

You'll find her in the midnight chest,

that wanders hush and still.

She just upon her kip would rest

and floating quietness fill.

I know the scene where she would go,

when calm is tumbling down.

When sad, her brittle heart would grow,

far than the dankish town.

And when her little simpers blaze,

her heart boundlessly flies.

It reminds me in Autumn days,

a host of blue Magpies.

And though I have glanced not her face,

but felt her joy and tear;

and to her friendful wings of grace,

I call my fondsome dear.

“A Partition”

Now that I, this partition make,

do not bemoan it, do not break;

do not wish if my stay was long,

what come now may, comply along.

I have loved you in your fairest lights,

I have loved you in your loury nights;

since now this love, encumbers you,

then, joyfully, unlade it too.

Do not repent now, do not cry;

do not roll with high-lamenting sigh;

do not shed now unprofiting tears—

the dead sees not, nor feels nor hears

But make your heart this thought discern:

if love once vowed, it must not turn;

that unfeigned it is, make realise,

else grieve not when one meets the skies.