dream journal

by Zoe Tochilovsky

Recently I have been having a lot more dreams which I find interesting because I don’t usually remember my dreams. I was curious so I told myself that I was going to keep a dream journal and track these dreams down for the future or to see if it made me remember more dreams. These are a couple of my dreams to start:

Night of August 24, 2023: The dream started in a submarine while it was sinking and then I teleported outside the submarine and there were sharks everywhere. After I teleported into this laboratory this guy told me that I had to find this book about the ocean in the library. I went with an unknown person and we were ripping pages out of the books when we got caught and the librarian kicked us out. 

Night of August 30, 2023: I woke up on a farm, but the farm didn’t have an entry or exit, it was just The Farm. I was where they kept the chickens in these strange dimly lit squares of hay and wood chips. The farmer yelled at me because I was “feeding the chickens the wrong food” and then he gave me a big bag of “chicken food”. I don’t know what the chicken food was but it was in this plastic bag you had to rip in the middle and let the chickens peck out the food. I fell down a hole and then woke up in a cold sweat.

I have my theories on why I have been having these vivid dreams, some of which include: I had a big change in my life; I’ve been sleeping in a different room than I usually do; I was waking up to a new alarm.


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