
fiction ★

The sculpture and the asker” By William Saunders

A sculpture who has seen much is asked what it has seen by someone who hears much.

Far from the cradle” By William Saunders

On a world far from the web of trade a colonist tells about what goes into the survival of an entire planet.

Goldfish” By Quentin Jakovleski

In a wasted land of bombs and thunder, an unnamed narrator speaks about his views on the destroyed world and what life is now like.

The Death of Dassault” By Alexandra Ulery

A woman learns of the death of a wealthy industrialist, and receives the invitation to his funeral.

The Hunger” By Ethan Burger

Someone hungry roams the streets of a neighborhood until finding something to eat.


Emo Chick” By Laurel Larrew

A satirical analysis of the “Angsty Teen” trope

Honey Bee” By Aidan Kuemmerle

A story of a boy who brings rain to his town.

“The House” by Piper White

“One last thing I knew for certain:someone had been in my house.”

“My Dry World” by Luna Glanville

A haunting and cerebral story.

“The Other Side of the Highway” by Luke Buchanan

“When people ask me about myself, I always make up some reason for visiting:  family, business, reuniting with a long-distance girlfriend. I got so good, I eventually stopped planning ahead.“

“The Reflex Property” by Brox Rosenfeld

In a wasted land of bombs and thunder, an unnamed narrator speaks about his views on the destroyed world and what life is now like.



